Service Description:
Weatherization provides energy conservation improvements on existing homes for qualifying home owners
and renters in Chelan and Douglas Counties. Potential improvements may include adding insulation to attics,
walls, and crawl spaces, repairing or replacing furnaces and hot water heaters, repairing damaged windows
and doors, etc with the goal of lowering the home’s utility bill, increasing energy efficiency, and making the
home more comfortable.
Minimum Eligibility:
- Income under 200% FPT or 60% SMI, whichever is greater
- If renter, must have landlord’s consent via our landlord agreement form
- Weatherization must be for primary residence
Yes Questions:
If customers answer “yes” to any of the following questions, they may possibly be a good fit for our
- Does your house feel cold/drafty in the winter?
- Is your heating bill high?
- Does air leak into your home from around your windows and doors?
- Do you need more insulation?