Resumes & Interviews (SS)

Service Description:

In this workshop job seekers will spend three half-days building a current resume and preparing for the
next job interview. Resume will include details, specifics, and quantifiers constructed around job seekers’
unique work history and experience. Job seekers will also practice interviewing skills to ensure they present
their “best self” with confidence. We have the 20 most often asked interview questions in our area and can
help you craft the perfect answer to each.

Minimum Eligibility:

  • 18 years or older

Yes Questions:

If customers answer “yes” to any of the following questions, they may possibly be a good fit for our

  • Would you like to become a stronger candidate while job seeking?
  • Do you need to brush up your interviewing skills?
  • Do you need to improve your resume?


Partner: SkillSource

Contact Name(s): Amy Jackson
Contact Email(s): |
Phone: (509) 663-3091
Address: 234 N Mission Ave Wenatchee, WA