Rapid Rehousing Rent Assistance (CDCAC)

Service Description:

Short-term rental assistance program for households that are currently homeless or fleeing/attempting to
flee domestic violence.

Minimum Eligibility:

  • Eligible household must meet the HUD definition of homeless. This is defined as:
  • Living in a place not meant for human habitation (car, tent, street)
  • Living in an emergency shelter
  • In transitional housing
  • Fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence
  • Exiting an institution where he/she has been residing for 90 days or less and who was homeless before entering the institution.

Yes Questions:

If customers answer “yes” to any of the following questions, they may possibly be a good fit for our

  • Do you lack the financial resources and support networks needed to obtain housing?
  • Do you need assistance obtaining housing?


Partner: Chelan Douglas Community Action Council

Contact Name(s): Chyvonna Torres, Tom Bonwell, Sara Brito
Contact Email(s): chyvonnat@cdcac.org | tomb@cdcac.org | sarat@cdcac.org |
Phone: (509) 662-6156
Website: https://cdcac.org/