Literacy Council English Classes (CDCAC)

Service Description:

Small-group English classes for adults, taught by volunteer tutors.
Classes are twice per week, 1.5 hours each class, and arranged to fit tutor and student schedules.

Minimum Eligibility:

  • 18 or older
  • Can commit to 1.5 hours twice a week for at least 40 hours (approx. 4 months)

Yes Questions:

If customers answer “yes” to any of the following questions, they may benefit from the Asset Building program program services.
Do you need to learn English as a second language, or improve your English?

Do you already speak English, but need instruction to read and write it?

Student Registration:

After completing the Student Registration at: program staff will contact the participant


Partner: Chelan Douglas Community Action Council

Contact Name(s): Lonnie Wells
Contact Email(s): |
Phone: (509) 682-6966
Address: 620 Lewis Street Wenatchee, WA 98801