Service Description:
Employer & Business Services: Let our team help yours
Create an Employer Account on and post your jobs for free! WorkSource has partnered with to create a powerful new job-match site that also offers access to career tools and resources. Get started
today! Never have so many career resources been available to you in Washington!
Save Time and Labor hours on:
- Applicant screening, testing, and referral
- Access to facilities
- Access to employee training and re-training
- Business assistance, financial information, and referral
- Business restructuring or closures information referral
- Job descriptions and listings
- Labor market information
- Unemployment insurance and tax information
- Business assessment
Minimum Eligibility:
- Recognized Washington State employer
Yes Questions:
If customers answer “yes” to any of the following questions, they may possibly be a good fit for our services:
- Are you an employer needing assistance with hiring, personal services, labor market resources and other valuable resources?