- Ask customers the right questions about their needs
- Speak knowingly about available resources
- Make the information relevant to the customer
- Provide specific steps and actions that will help customers achieve their goals
As a result of that research, we created the North Central Partner Services Directory to 1) train workforce development partnership staff to provide the highest level of service by using a consistent method of determining customer needs and 2) provide detailed information about the services offered by each Workforce Development partner. This website supports the Workforce Collaboration Effort and Services Directory by enabling staff to consistently perform as an integrated team, without regard to agency or physical location.
- Collaboration – Partners working together in ways that best serve our customers.
- Customer Access – Customers getting the information they need, when they need it, in a way they can receive it.
- Enhance the “no-wrong-door” concept amongst area partners.
This calendar includes upcoming activities led by the Workforce Collaboration Team in Chelan, Douglas, Adams, Grant, and Okanogan Counties. Activities include our annual summit, quarterly van tours, monthly lunch and learns and more!